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通讯员:刘勇      发布日期:2020-04-30     浏览量:

学术论文(* 通讯作者)

[1] Xiao T, Li DQ*, Cao ZJ, Zhang LM. (2018). CPT-based probabilistic characterization of three-dimensional spatial variability using MLE. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 144(5): 04018023

[2] Zheng D, Huang JS*, Li DQ, Kelly R, Sloan S. (2018). Embankment prediction using testing data and monitored behaviour: A Bayesian updating approach. Computers and Geotechnics, 93; 150-162

[3] Zhang L, Li DQ, Tang XS*, Cao ZJ, Phoon KK. (2018). Bayesian model comparison and characterization of bivariate distribution for shear strength parameters of soil. Computers and Geotechnics, 95,110-118.

[4] Yang ZY, Cao ZJ, Feng XB*, Li DQ, Au SK. (2018). Robustness of subset simulation to functional forms of limit state functions in system reliability analysis: revisiting and improvement. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 67(1): 66-78.

[5] Tang XS, Wang JP*, Yang W, Li DQ. (2018). Joint probability modeling for two debris-flow variables: copula approach. Natural Hazards Review, 19(2): 05018004

[6] Zhang FP, Li DQ, Cao ZJ*, Xiao T, Zhao J. (2018). Revisiting Statistical Correlation between Mohr-Coulomb Shear Strength Parameters of Hoek-Brown Rock Masses. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 77, 36-44.

[7] Qi XH, Li DQ*. (2018). Effect of spatial variability of shear strength parameters on critical slip surfaces of slopes. Engineering Geology, 239: 41-49.

[8] Li DQ, Zhang FP, Cao ZJ*, Tang XS, Au SK. (2018). Reliability sensitivity analysis of geotechnical monitoring variables using Bayesian updating. Engineering Geology, 245: 130-140.

[9] Huang JS, Zheng D, Li DQ, Kelly R, Scott S. (2018). Probabilistic characterization of two-dimensional soil profile by integrating cone penetration test (CPT) with multi-channel analysis of surface wave (MASW) data. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 55(8): 1168-1181.

[10] Yang HQ, Zhang LL, Li DQ. (2018). Efficient method for probabilistic estimation of spatially varied hydraulic properties in a soil slope based on field responses: A Bayesian approach. Computers and Geotechnics, 102: 262-272

[11] Wang L, Cao ZJ, Li DQ*, Phoon KK, Au SK. (2018). Determination of Site-specific Soil-Water Characteristic Curve from a Limited Number of Test Data -A Bayesian Perspective. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(6): 1665-1677.

[12] Tang XS, Li DQ*, Wang XG, Phoon KK. (2018). Statistical characterization of shear strength parameters of rock mass for hydropower projects in China. Engineering Geology, 245, 258-265.

[13] Wang JP, Tang XS*, Wu YM, Li DQ. (2018). Copula-based earthquake early warning decision-making strategy. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 115, 324-330

[14] Zhang L, Liu Y*. (2018). Numerical investigations on the seismic response of a subway tunnel embedded in spatially random clays. Underground Space.

[15] Liu Y, Zhang W, Zhang L*, Zhu, Z, Hu, J, Wei, H. (2018). Probabilistic stability analyses of undrained slopes by 3D random fields and finite element methods. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(6), 1657-1664.

[16] Liu Y, Xiao HW*, Yao K, Hu J, Wei H. (2018). Rock-soil slope stability analysis by two-phase random media and finite elements. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(6), 1649-1655.

[17] Zhang L, Liu Y*. (2018). Seismic responses of rectangular subway tunnels in a clayey ground. PloS one, 13(10).

[18] Xiao H, Liu Y*. (2018). A prediction model for the tensile strength of cement-admixed clay with randomly orientated fibres. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 22(9), 1131-1145.

[19] Li, YP, Liu Y*, Lee FH, Goh SH, Zhang XY, Wu JF. (2019). Effect of sleeves and skirts on mitigating spudcan punch-through in sand overlying normally consolidated clay. Géotechnique, 69(4), 283-296.

[20] Chen EJ, Ding L, Liu Y*, Ma X, Skibniewski MJ. (2018). On spectral representation method and Karhunen–Loève expansion in modelling construction material properties. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 18(3), 768-783.

[21] Xiao H, Yao K, Liu Y*, Goh SH, Lee FH. (2018). Bender element measurement of small strain shear modulus of cement-treated marine clay–Effect of test setup and methodology. Construction and Building Materials, 172, 433-447.

[22] Zheng JJ, Liu Y*, Pan YT, Hu J. (2018). Statistical evaluation of the load-settlement response of a multicolumn composite foundation. International Journal of Geomechanics, 18(4), 04018015.

[23] Pan YT, Liu Y*, Xiao H, Lee FH, Phoon KK. (2018). Effect of spatial variability on short-and long-term behaviour of axially-loaded cement-admixed marine clay column. Computers and Geotechnics, 94, 150-168.

[24] Hu J, Liu Y*, Yao K. (2018). Artificial ground freezing in tunnelling through aquifer soil layers: a case study in Nanjing Metro Line 2. Ksce journal of civil engineering, 22(10), 4136-4142.

[25] Du W* (2018) Effects of directionality and vertical component of ground motions on seismic slope displacements in Newmark sliding-block analysis. Engineering Geology, 239: 13-21.

[26] Du W, Huang D, Wang G (2018) Quantification of model uncertainty and variability in Newmark displacement analysis. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 109: 286-298.

[27] Du W*, Ning CL (2018) Influence of time step of ground motions on site effect and structural response analyses for long-duration earthquakes. Journal of Earthquake Engineering, 22(4): 724-747.

[28] Du W*, Wang G (2018) Ground motion selection for seismic slope displacement analysis using a generalized intensity measure distribution method. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 47: 1352-1359.

[29] Du W, Wang G, Huang D (2018) Evaluation of seismic slope displacements based on fully coupled sling mass analysis and NGA-West2 database. Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering ASCE, 144(8): 6018006.

[30] Du W*, Wang G, Huang D (2018) Influence of slope property variabilities on seismic sliding displacement analysis. Engineering Geology, 242: 121-129.

[31] 郭重阳, 李典庆, 曹子君*, 高国辉, 唐小松. (2018). 考虑空间变异性条件下的边坡稳定可靠度高效敏感性分析. 岩土力学,39(6): 2203-2210.

[32] 杨智勇,李典庆,曹子君*,唐小松. (2018). 基于广义子集模拟样本加权法的边坡多失效模式可靠度分析. 岩石力学与工程学报, 37(3): 630-641.

[33] 陈旺旺, 李典庆, 唐小松*, 曹子君. (2018). 抗剪强度参数概率分布的最大熵估计及边坡可靠度分析. 岩土力学, 39(4): 1469-1478

[34] 杨智勇,李典庆,曹子君*,唐小松. (2018). 基于广义子集模拟的土坡系统可靠度分析岩土力学,39(3): 957-966.

[35] 曹子君*, 郑硕, 李典庆, 区兆驹. (2018). 基于静力触探的土层自动划分方法与不确定性表征. 岩土工程学报, 40(2): 336-345.

[36] 邓志平,李典庆*,曹子君, 方国光. (2018). 考虑地层变异性和土体参数变异性的边坡可靠度分析, 岩土工程学报, 39(6): 986-995.

[37] 邓志平, 李典庆*, 祁小辉, 曹子君. (2018). 基于广义耦合马尔可夫链的地层变异性模拟方法. 岩土工程学报, 40(11): 2041-2050.