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通讯员:李凝霜      发布日期:2023-08-06     浏览量:

报 告 人:张利民 教授

时 间:2023年8月7日(星期一)上午10:00


张利民,香港科技大学讲座教授、教育部高层次特聘教授、土木与环境工程系主任、离心机实验所主任。从事滑坡泥石流机理及风险控制、堤坝安全、岩土工程可靠性设计等方面的研究工作。美国土木工程师学会岩土风险管理委员会前主席,2020 Suzanne Lacasse讲座主讲人, 2023 Ralph Peck讲座主讲人。现任国际土力学与岩土工程学会TC210主席、国际期刊Georisk主编、Engineering Geology、Computers and Geotechnics等期刊编委。


The eastern Tibetan Plateau is a strategic area for the development of China. The Sichuan-Tibet and Yunnan-Tibet transportation corridors pass through this area. The hydropower developments in the lower reach of Yarlung Tsangpo will generate three times as much clean energy as what the Three-Gorge project provides. This seminar introduces glacier landslide hazard chains on eastern Tibetan Plateau. Emphasized is the physical understanding of the entire process of a glacier landslide hazard chain, including the loss of stability of glacier deposits and rock masses under freeze-thawing cycles, soil behavior during ice dissolution, dynamics of mass flow, dynamic response to debris impact, and changes in hazard type during a landslide hazard chain.
