《Constitutive Modelling in Practical Geotechnical Analysis》
每周二晚上,18:30-20:30,腾讯视频会议(ID: 618 3226 8854)
每周六下午,15:00-17:00,腾讯视频会议(ID: 457 3093 2536)

李福豪(LEE Fook-Hou)教授是新加坡工程院院士,新加坡国立大学终身教授,武汉大学讲座教授,新加坡注册土木工程师、注册岩土工程师并担任注册岩土工程师的会评专家。担任国际SCI源杂志《Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami》主编,以及《ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal》《Computers and Geotechnics》《岩土工程学报》等杂志编委。于2009年、2013年至2017年期间荣获《Computers and Geotechnics》期刊的十二佳审稿人奖。与新加坡Geosoft软件公司合作开发了岩土工程商业有限元软件GeoFEA。此外,李教授是英国工程与物理科学研究委员会(EPSRC)理事会成员,长期评审EPSRC的研究资助提案,并多次担任中国教育部高层次特聘外审专家。曾是多所中国高等科研院校(如南京水科院、华中科技大学)的客座教授。在国际期刊上发表期刊论文90余篇,包括岩土工程顶级刊物《Géotechnique》20余篇。
《Constitutive Modelling in Practical Geotechnical Analysis》
o Stress-strain and effective stress
§ concepts of continuum Mechanics
§ Concepts of Stress and strain
§ Elastic stress-strain relationships
§ Concept of effective stress
§ Elastic plastic Materials: - Stress path parameter
§ Linear Elastic Materials
§ Undrained test on linear Elastic Materials
§ Triaxial test conditions
§ Concept of effective stress
· Volumetric strain
· Normal Strain
§ Perfectly Plastic Materials
§ Basic Ingredients of plasticity Model
§ Yield Criterion
§ Mohr-Coulomb Yield Criterion
§ Behavior of the real soil
§ Plastic potential
o Strain and stress path
§ Mohr-coulomb Model
§ Definition of generalized shear strain
§ Graphical representation
§ Yield envelopes of real soil
o Critical State Concept
§ Critical state soil Mechanics
§ Strain hardening cap models
§ Stress path for isotropic compression
§ Loading-reloading curve
§ Critical state interpretation
§ Critical and Residual states
§ Critical state interpretation of index tests
§ Rationale of the index tests
o Stress - Dilatancy
§ Introduction to stress dilatancy and flow rule
§ Stress dilatancy
§ Taylor’s dilation equation.
§ Energy equation for triaxial conditions
§ Plastic potential
§ Pre-consolidation and Volumetric hardening
§ Cam clay Model introduction
o Constitutive Models and Cam Clay
§ Cam Clay Model
§ Graphical representation
§ Drained loading
§ Undrained Loading
§ Isotropic compression
§ Cam Clay Model- Summary
§ Behavior of Cam Clay model
§ Pore-pressure parameters
o Elastic and elasto-plastic behavior
§ Association of plastic potential with yield surface
§ Pre- consolidation and volumetric hardening
§ Modified Cam Clay
§ Formulation of model
§ Differences between original and Modified Cam Clay Model
§ Behavior of Modified Cam Clay in Triaxial test
§ Advantages of cam clay over Mohr-Coulomb.
§ Limitations of the Cam Clay modelling
§ Beyond Cam Clay-modelling real soil behavior
§ Contributions of the cam clay model
§ Critical state concept in BS8002 for Retaining walls
§ Non- linearity in pre-peak stress-strain curve
§ Some other soil models- Duncan-Chang hyperbolic Model
§ Cohesive Cam Clay(C3) model: an example of a de-structuration model for Cement admixture clay
o Finite element programming
§ Example of In-situ soil behavior – Singapore Marine Clay
§ Modelling structural behavior
§ Geometric and Construction aspects, 2-D or 3-D
§ 3-D Finite Elements Analysis